WIOA Strategic Planning
Strategic Workforce Insights, Lasting Impact
We partner with state workforce agencies and local workforce boards to craft bold, innovative strategic plans that align with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Our dynamic strategies empower job-seekers with cutting-edge skills and training, positioning them for success in the local job market while moving forward local economic development priorities and initiatives.

Why We’re Your Ideal Partner
We are your ideal partner for WIOA strategic planning. With a deep understanding of workforce needs and WIOA, we create bold strategies that support job-seekers and employers alike.
The TPMA Advantage

Labor Market Analysis
We conduct thorough analyses of labor market data, economic conditions, and workforce demographics to pinpoint current and future workforce needs.

Stakeholder Collaboration
We collaborate with internal stakeholders, businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations to gather input and forge new partnerships. Their feedback helps us assess the skills and training needs of job-seekers and the requirements of local employers, ensuring alignment with economic development priorities.

Unified Vision & Goals
We develop a unified vision and strategic goals for our clients, creating customer-centered programs and services that integrate various resources and partners to effectively support job-seekers and employers. We provide opportunities for public feedback and outline the actions needed to implement the strategic plan, including timelines, responsibilities, and resource allocation.
The Difference We Make
2025 Workforce Insights: Opportunities Amidst Change
There is a lot of uncertainty among workforce development professionals right now. All eyes are on Washington as we wait for WIOA reauthorization and watch the incoming administration take shape. We can’t predict the policy and funding landscape in the year ahead, but TPMA’s Workforce and Education team sees a…
Reflections on Labor Day 2024: Good Jobs and Job Quality
Labor Day is a holiday many of us look forward to—a final summer cookout, a day off work, and a chance to unwind before the fall season kicks into gear. But how often do we pause to reflect on the true significance of this day? Established 130 years ago, Labor…
H.R.6655 Passes the House and Moves to the Senate: Here’s a Recap
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) will likely see changes soon. The newly proposed legislation, H.R. 6655 – A Stronger Workforce for America Act, sponsored and introduced by Rep. Foxx December 7, 2023, passed with bipartisan support in the House of Representatives April 9, 2024. The proposed…
4 Key Takeaways from the WIOA Reauthorization Bill
Last year in December, the House Education and Workforce Committee voted to advance the A Stronger Workforce for America Act (H.R. 6655) to the House floor. The bill seeks to comprehensively reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) with significant changes to its core components. It aims to foster…
Childcare, the Workforce, and the Economy: Connecting the Dots
We hear it often—the weight of expensive and inaccessible childcare on working families with young children. What we haven’t discussed enough is the overall impact this challenge has on the U.S. economy… until now. Without a doubt, affordable and available childcare is a critical component of a vibrant economy and…
TPMA to Design and Implement Statewide Evaluation of New Hampshire Workforce Development System
Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA) today announced it has signed on with the State of New Hampshire as their strategic consultant to design and implement a statewide evaluation of the NH Works/American Job Centers (AJC) and the New Hampshire workforce development system. TPMA is looking forward to the new…
Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board Launching Digital Literacy Asset Mapping for Equity
Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA) today announced its partnership with The Pennsylvania Workforce Development Board (PA WDB) as their strategic consultant to implement a Digital Literacy Asset Map that identifies existing digital literacy training options, organizations throughout the community that are supporting adult digital literacy training, and where pockets…
TPMA Leading Workforce Operations Policy and Process Analysis for Indiana Department of Workforce Development
Our expert consultants are currently providing project management and capacity support to Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD). TPMA will support DWD’s policy review and drafting needs by creating a policy matrix and calendar, researching and developing policies, and responding to policy inquiries. For organizational design strategy development and process…
TPMA Economic Development Experts Jumpstart Regional Labor + Housing Study in Northeastern North Dakota
We recently partnered with the North Central Planning Council to conduct a robust Regional Labor Study to understand the trends impacting the regional economy. The study will identify opportunities and challenges in the regional talent ecosystem that should be leveraged to drive workforce and economic development in the six-county region of Benson, Cavalier,…
Connect with Us
Empower your workforce with strategic plans that transform communities. Partner with TPMA for innovative WIOA planning.