The Latest News
Workshops, Training, and Resources to Build Better Communities
Our Changing Educational Ecosystems
From declining enrollments to a shift in student demographics, our educational ecosystems are experiencing challenges...
Strategic Partnerships Fuel Workforce Success
Collaborative efforts among organizations are critical for regional economic impact, especially when it comes to...
Cast a Wider Net For Curriculum Development
When working on a workforce development strategic plan, it is highly likely that it will involve a need for curriculum...
This Labor Day, Lets Put Ohio’s Workers Front and Center!
Labor Day is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of Ohio’s workers. This year, as the economy continues to...
Optimizing the Potential of Industry Clusters
Industry clusters may hold the key to differentiating a region by defining its uniqueness of offerings, with the...
What’s Your Story?
Our task at Thomas P. Miller & Associates (TPMA) is to identify resources and put together competitive approaches...
Education as a Solution in Recovery Strategies to ‘Build Back Better’
Less than two years ago, we were attentively exploring solutions for mobilizing industry, education, and policymakers...
TPMA Conducting WIOA Individuals with Disabilities Employment Study
Thomas P. Miller and Associates (TPMA) is currently developing and conducting a comprehensive study of the...
Download Our American Rescue Plan Act Guide
This document offers a high-level overview of funds deployed through the American Rescue Plan, with allocations for...
TPMA Launching New Podcast Series
Good news! This month we are launching 3 new podcasts to help communities locally and across the country approach and...
TPMA Leading Workforce Operations Policy and Process Analysis for Indiana Department of Workforce Development
Our expert consultants are currently providing project management and capacity support to Indiana Department of...
Carol D’Amico, Former Executive Vice President at Strada Education Network, Joins TPMA
Carol D’Amico joined the firm as a Strategic Advisor, effective March 15, 2021. D’Amico is a nationally recognized...
2021 Prosperity Through Equity Survey
TPMA has launched Prosperity Through Equity, a survey which will create a national snapshot exploring pandemic impact...
Key Information: American Rescue Plan Act 2021
The American Rescue Plan Act provides $350 billion in emergency funding for state, local, territorial, and Tribal...
TPMA at the Table as Thought Leaders in 2020 Statewide Indiana Rapid Recovery Efforts
Last year we absorbed the sobering news that more than 22 million people in the United States were suddenly without a...