Katy Battafarano

Katy Battafarano

Senior Manager

  • Education
    • Sociology, MA, Loyola University
    • International Studies & Political Science, BA, Butler University 

Katy is a Consultant at TPMA with extensive experience in workforce research and talent development. She has a background in researching and analyzing educational, workforce, and community services across counties and states. She is skilled in career pathway development and strengthening career and technical education programming.  

Katy’s qualitative and quantitative data expertise assists in capturing workforce conditions, industry and occupational outlooks, and skills and training gaps. She excels in the development of strategies that narrow access and equity gaps in underserved communities and vulnerable populations. Katy is currently supporting childcare projects that include the Invest Hamilton County Childcare Action & Investment Plan and Building Blocks Southwest Indiana Childcare Impact Report & Action Plan. Her previous work also includes NoRTEC (CA) Workforce & Industry Sector Analysis, Knox County (IL) Workforce Development Plan, Radius Indiana Talent Attraction & Retention Best Practices Scan, Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission Workforce Landscape Asset Mapping and Rhode Island Office of Postsecondary Commissioner Career Pathway Landscape Mapping.