by tpmatemp | Dec 19, 2024 | CPL and Micro-Credentialing Support, CTE Strategies, Sector Partnerships, Talent Solutions for Emerging Industries, WIOA One Stop Operations, WIOA Strategic Planning, Work-Based Learning and Registered Apprenticeships, Workforce Development
There is a lot of uncertainty among workforce development professionals right now. All eyes are on Washington as we wait for WIOA reauthorization and watch the incoming administration take shape. We can’t predict the policy and funding landscape in the year ahead, but...
by luke | Mar 7, 2024 | Career Pathways, CPL and Micro-Credentialing Support, Headlines, Workforce Development
The new policy guidance encourages the use and expansion of CPL across the state (INDIANAPOLIS) – The Indiana Commission for Higher Education announced today Indiana’s first statewide policy guidance for credit for prior learning (CPL). The state CPL model policy...
by luke | Oct 17, 2021 | Career Pathways, CPL and Micro-Credentialing Support, Other, Workforce Development
From declining enrollments to a shift in student demographics, our educational ecosystems are experiencing challenges like never before. Many schools are experiencing a decline in student enrollments. This is partially due to a decline in traditional-age college...
by luke | Sep 20, 2021 | CPL and Micro-Credentialing Support, Other, Workforce Development
When working on a workforce development strategic plan, it is highly likely that it will involve a need for curriculum development to fill a gap. As a former high school English teacher and charter school curriculum advisor, I know firsthand that designing curriculum...
by luke | May 6, 2021 | CPL and Micro-Credentialing Support, Other
Carol D’Amico joined the firm as a Strategic Advisor, effective March 15, 2021. D’Amico is a nationally recognized author and leader in workforce and higher education and has decades of experience developing 21st century solutions for state and federal governments and...