Aaron Finley

Aaron Finley

Director, Housing & Community Development

  • Education
    • English, MA, Kent State University
    • English, BA, Indiana University

Aaron is the Director of Housing & Community Development at TPMA, specializing in housing research and strategy, workforce development, and community resiliency. Data-driven and goal oriented, his approach is one of locating gaps and developing solutions. Aaron leads research projects at TPMA with specialized skill in the interpretation of complex data. He is skilled in transforming complex challenges into communicable and achievable strategies and outcomes.  

Aaron has designed propriety housing research methodology at TPMA, in addition to strategies for alignment of priorities to investment, land use plans, investment options, and innovative partnerships. He recently led Regional Labor & Housing Studies for North Dakota’s North Central Planning Commission, and housing studies for Okaloosa  County, Florida; and St. Lucie County, Florida.