Economic Development Strategic Planning
Planning Aligned with the United States EDA.
TPMA has partnered with more than 50 communities nationwide to develop strategies for improving the business ecosystem, creating job opportunities, generating capital investment, and improving the quality of life for residents. We begin our work by analyzing data about the community and overlay these quantitative insights with input we glean from residents through stakeholder engagement.
We also conduct tailored analyses of each community’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Based on these findings, we develop a strategic framework to fuel each community’s economic growth, and we work alongside communities to implement these plans, leveraging our team’s practical expertise in the field.
Our clients receive positive feedback from the United States Economic Development Administration on our collaborative work.
Movement from Recommendations to Implementation
We don’t want our plans to sit on shelf. We customize recommendations for our economic development partners based on relevant local data and personal interactions with stakeholders and residents. We accompany our community-specific recommendations with implementation schedules detailing timelines, partners, responsible parties, and funding options to allow a seamless transition from planning to implementation. Have questions?