Brett Wiler

Brett Wiler

Senior Director, Economic Development & Strategic Planning

  • Education
    • Public Administration, MPA, Gannon University
    • Business Administration, BS, John Carroll University  

Brett is the Senior Director of Economic Development and Strategic Planning. He specializes in business retention, expansion, attraction, Opportunity Zone strategy, economic development financing strategy, entrepreneurial ecosystem building, chamber of commerce operations and strategy, and workforce development. 

Prior to joining TPMA, Brett worked as the Director of Outreach and Investment for the Erie Regional Chamber where he managed an industry recognized best-practice business outreach program. Brett was the primary architect of the nation’s first municipal based Opportunity Zone Prospectus and Intermediary and led the Flagship Opportunity Zone Development Company under the umbrella of the Erie Regional Chamber. This work was the cornerstone of Erie’s signature economic development conference, Erie Homecoming, that has led to over $100 million in investment into Erie since 2019.